Terms of Use

25 May 2021 was the last update.

Before using the website, kindly read the following carefully.

Hi there and thank you for visiting www.bestqrcodecreator.art and all of its associated subdomains, pages, and trademarks. Before using our services, we respectfully ask that you read over these Terms of Use so that you fully understand your rights and responsibilities. By using or interacting with the website, you hereby agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions outlined in these Terms of Use, which govern our Privacy Policy. You and our business have a legally binding agreement between the parties to this contract. Unless it was impossible for someone to give up their right to receive paper papers or a real signature due to regulatory limits. It is recommended that users abstain from accessing or using the website in order to avoid the legal obligations imposed by these terms.

  1. Personalization.

It is important that you realize that we have the right to change these Terms at any moment and without warning. Ten (10) days after the Site publishes the updated Terms, the aforementioned modifications will take effect. If you continue to use the Site after this point, you indicate that you agree to the revised Terms.

  1. The Ability to Take Directions.

Users who are at least 16 years old are the only ones allowed to use this website. We respectfully ask that anyone using the Site who is under 16 not use it.

  1. Site accessibility.

For the term of the Terms, Users are hereby authorized to access and use the Site, strictly in accordance with these Terms and any other applicable legal conditions.


It is important to know that you are not permitted to duplicate, distribute, display, mirror, frame, or alter any part of the Site, Content, or Marks (as defined below) in any way without our prior written authorization. Additionally, unless otherwise permitted in this document, it is strictly forbidden to use, modify, create derivative works from, transmit (by way of sale, resale, licensing, sublicensing, downloading, or any other method), duplicate, distribute, display, or provide Content (as defined in the section that follows). Kindly refrain from using or initiating any automated program, algorithm, method, or technique that can potentially disrupt the correct functioning of the Site or its services.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights.

Marks and Content (5.1).

The website contains a vast array of content, including text, files, articles, brochures, descriptions, audio files, videos, software, goods, images, photos, visual layouts, computer code, artwork, brand names, logos, and interactive features. The resources mentioned above are protected against infringement by copyright laws and other intellectual property agreements; they are sometimes referred to as "Materials". The way these resources are arranged, selected, coordinated, expressed, visually presented, and designed overall is protected.

The website contains user-contributed content as well as trademarks, service marks, and logos that are either owned, controlled, or licensed by www.bestqrcodecreator.art. The owners of the website's intellectual property, which includes elements like the logo and other distinctive features, are www.bestqrcodecreator.art or its related businesses. The website uses permission to use trademarks, service marks, and logos of their respective owners.

The Site and its Content are protected in addition to the ways described here because of reserved rights.

Content Usage (5.2).

The materials and resources on this website are only intended for personal use in terms of information gathering. It is strictly prohibited to use, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, commercialize, license, decompile, reverse engineer, or engage in any other form of exploitation of the content for non-personal reasons without first obtaining express written approval. Making derivative works from the original is likewise forbidden.

Making sure that content is downloaded or printed without violating copyright or other property notices is crucial.

  1. Third-party sources and content.

6.1. Content from sources outside of our control and ownership may be viewed, accessed, interacted with, and used by users on the platform; this kind of content is often known as "Third Party material" (as explained below).

Facilitating contact and communication with multiple external sources is made feasible by our platform. The sources fall into two main categories: (i) external websites and services that are not associated with our business; and (ii) our partners and customers. The website offers two different types of sources that users can engage with.

6.2. Neither the activities nor the information supplied by Third Party Sources are under our control.

It is important to know that we have no influence over the behavior, guidelines, privacy policies, usage conditions, or content of other websites. You should carefully read any source's terms of use and privacy policies before creating any kind of link with them.

6.3. As a result, it is stated that we disclaim all liability and accept no responsibility for any Third Party content or related materials' accuracy, suitability, usefulness, security, or infringement of intellectual property rights (as hereafter defined).

6.4. Users of the Site can encounter Third Party Content that is erroneous, objectionable, obscene, or in some other way offensive.

When deciding whether to engage with a third-party source or use content created by others, people are free to apply their own discretion. It is up to the user to decide whether to interact with a Third Party Source and whether to believe Third Party Content. The user accepts full responsibility for their decision and is aware of the risks involved.

6.5. The user is solely responsible and liable when utilizing a Third Party Source.

By using the Site, Users agree to voluntarily give up all legal or equitable rights or remedies against www.bestqrcodecreator.art. Furthermore, users disclaim any liability against www.bestqrcodecreator.art by utilizing, communicating with, and dealing with any Third Party Source or Content. If users have any complaints or concerns about any Third Party Content or Third Party Sources, they must get in touch with the Third Party Sources directly.

  1. User-Submitted Content.

7.1. Responsibility.

Main goal of this website is to enable users to submit, trade, share, and publish content (sometimes called "User Submissions"), either personally or on behalf of other users. It is necessary to recognize that no User Submission, regardless of publishing status, can be guaranteed to remain confidential. The content contributor assumes all accountability for their User Submissions and all repercussions resulting from their posting, publishing, or uploading.

The website reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, to monitor, regulate, change, remove, or destroy any content, including user submissions. It also retains the right to choose which user contributions to publish.

Ownership (7.2).

You explicitly give us permission to utilize any intellectual property rights related to your user contributions when you use our platform, or you certify that you are the legitimate owner of such rights or that you possess all necessary authorizations. Furthermore, you grant us permission to use and incorporate your recommendations in accordance with the conditions outlined in our contract. Among the many types of material that fall under the general category of "content" are user submissions. The phrase "intellectual property rights" refers to a broad category of rights, including trade secrets, copyrights, patents, trademarks, and service marks, among other similar forms of intellectual property rights. It also includes moral rights, rights to privacy and publicity, and any other similar rights recognized by laws or regulations of any court, regulatory, or other authority that has jurisdiction over them, whether they are domestic or foreign. Ownership of content supplied by users is retained.

7.3. Permission to Utilize User-Submitted Content.

By submitting their work to www.bestqrcodecreator.art, users grant to the website a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, permanent, irrevocable license. The license given to www.bestqrcodecreator.art permits the use, reproduction, distribution, exhibition, performance, and creation of derivative works of the user's material in connection with the operations of the website and the business of www.bestqrcodecreator.art. The website www.bestqrcodecreator.art may disseminate the user-provided content, including any derivative works, in whole or in part on any media platform and in any format.

Users of the Site shall give up any moral rights in their User Submissions in accordance with any applicable laws. Subject to the restrictions specified in these Terms, the user permits any viewer or user of the Site to use, copy, distribute, create derivative works from, display, and perform their User Submissions.

7.4 Prohibited Content.

To preserve the security and equity of the platform, we respectfully ask users not to show, post, share, upload, or send any User Submission that falls into any of the following categories:

(i) The employment of unfair or dishonest business practices is a violation of consumer protection laws in any jurisdiction.

(ii) Violating third-party property rights, such as privacy and publicity rights, is considered a violation unless the user has a legitimate claim to the copyright, trade secret, or other rights.

(iii) Endangers the stability and defense of national security; puts at risk the welfare and bodily autonomy of a person; hinders the advancement of an official law enforcement inquiry; or presents a risk to the general safety and well-being of the public.

(iv) Participates in the process of adopting a different identity.

The person participates in illicit gaming, encourages the use of illegal drugs, violates export restrictions, or is involved in the unlawful trade in firearms.

The person engages in behavior that is deemed improper and that promotes criminal activity, civil liability, harassment based on race or ethnicity, coercion, slander, libel, and sexually explicit content.

(vii) Talks about incidents of terrorism and theft.

(viii) Contains any behavior deemed to be dishonest or harmful.

It is important to know that any User Submission that falls into one of these categories will be removed, and there may be further consequences.

7.5. Exposure.

On the Site, User Submissions that come from a range of sources may be seen. Please be aware that www.bestqrcodecreator.art is not liable for the accuracy, usability, security, or protection of any intellectual property rights pertaining to material that users upload. Furthermore, some user-submitted content could include offensive language, inflammatory elements, obscene content, or lies. By accepting these terms, you agree to give up any legal or equitable claims or remedies you may have against www.bestqrcodecreator.art in relation to these subjects.

  1. Information Description.

It is important to realize that we cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability, or correctness of the Content on our website, even with our best attempts to uphold a stringent standard of accuracy made by our team. Without prior warning, we reserve the right to modify the Content at any time. It is important to understand that using any part of the Content has unique risks and responsibilities for each user.

  1. Openness.

You must understand that the organization has the right to access, look through, store, and distribute any data it receives from your use of the website and your interactions with it. This course of action should only be followed when it is deemed to be fairly necessary for the following objectives:

(i) To ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, court orders, subpoenas, and official demands.

(ii) To investigate any violations of the rules on our website.

(iii) In addition to technological challenges, the aim of this section is to identify, minimize, or address cases of fraud or security issues.

To aid clients and respond to their inquiries more easily, support is required.

to ensure the protection of the public's welfare, rights, and property as well as that of www.bestqrcodecreator.art users.

We place the utmost importance on the protection of your personal information, thus we are aware of how crucial it is to preserve your privacy. We promise to only retrieve your data when it is absolutely necessary and in accordance with our privacy policy.

  1. Citations.

10.1. Users may be able to submit content and offer hyperlinks to other websites that are not under the ownership or control of www.bestqrcodecreator.art.

It is vital to comprehend that our organization is not associated with, nor does it bear responsibility for, the information, terms, or practices of any other website. Utilizing these internet resources responsibly and rationally is your responsibility as a user. You should also use extreme caution while posting or sharing anything on these websites. It is crucial to understand that we are not legally liable for any outcomes stemming from your usage of other websites. To protect their personal safety, people are strongly encouraged to use caution and carefully read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any external website they choose to visit.

10.2. We permit you to access the Site provided you agree to the following:

When creating hyperlinks to the website, it is imperative that you adhere to following guidelines:

  1. Avoid using your links to create duplicate pages on the website.
  1. It is advised to use exact hyperlink text that appropriately describes the material on the page.
  1. It is completely forbidden to misrepresent one's association with www.bestqrcodecreator.art or to spread false information about the website.
  1. You are not permitted to imply in any manner that www.bestqrcodecreator.art endorses any products or services without first gaining our express consent.
  1. Linking to a website that infringes upon the rights of any person or entity to privacy, intellectual property, or other rights, or that contains objectionable or divisive information, is absolutely forbidden.
  1. These Terms and any applicable laws must be followed by the user and their website.
  2. Privacy.

This website's use is contingent upon adhering to our privacy statement. Please read the policy if you would want more details about the data we gather and use.

  1. Notice of Warranties Disclaimers.

12.1. This section is still applicable whether or not the services provided on the Site are free of charge.

Certain assurances may not be permitted that are not included here.12.2 The website is provided in its current state and is subject to availability; there are no warranties of any kind, either stated or implied.

The website may be seen in its current state, without any updates or alterations, and is provided without any warranties, either express or implied. All warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, are expressly disclaimed by www.bestqrcodecreator.art, including but not limited to those resulting from statutes or customary business practices, merchantability, ownership, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-violation. There is no guarantee that there are no mistakes, security lapses, or malware assaults on the www.bestqrcodecreator.art website. The website's sporadic unavailability could be the consequence of regular maintenance, updates, or other issues.

User understands that www.bestqrcodecreator.art disclaims all liability for any potential repercussions that might result from slow network speeds, server overload, or technical issues with internet connectivity, regardless of whether these issues are brought on by issues on www.bestqrcodecreator.art's servers or those of other businesses. We neither support nor guarantee any third-party goods or material found on the website, nor do we offer any guarantees of any kind.

12.3 User-supplied content is subject to no approvals, guarantees, or assurances of any sort made by the website www.bestqrcodecreator.art. Furthermore, the website www.bestqrcodecreator.art disclaims all liability with regard to the previously stated content and makes no representations or warranties regarding it.

12.4 The user agrees that www.bestqrcodecreator.art is not liable for any content or behavior supplied by users, including content that may be defamatory, offensive, unlawful, or careless. Any harm or loss arising from this is entirely the user's responsibility.

12.5. Using the website's content, including user-contributed content, and corresponding with any external organizations the website may list are your responsibilities as the user. You acknowledge that www.bestqrcodecreator.art will not be responsible for any losses or claims resulting from disagreements you may have with other people by using this website.

12.6. We cannot ensure the safety and security of any revealed information or actions taken on our website, unless our privacy policy clearly states otherwise.

12.7. Our goal is to provide clients with helpful information on the goods and services that are featured on our website.

In order to provide you with this information at no cost, we need to explore for additional sources of income. We charge outside businesses to be listed on our website as one such tactic. When a user accesses or makes a purchase from these businesses, payment can also be required. It's crucial to remember, though, that no money we receive from www.bestqrcodecreator.art will have an impact on the reviews we post about any particular third-party business on our website.

  1. Reducing Your Owing.

13.1. To the extent permitted by these terms, www.bestqrcodecreator.art disclaims all liability for incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, or indirect damages, as well as for any loss of information, income, profits, or reputation arising from your use of the aforementioned site. To the extent permitted by law, the aforementioned limitation of liability applies even in the event that www.bestqrcodecreator.art was not made aware that such losses or damages would occur.

The user is not protected by the aforementioned limits since it may not be legal in some places to exclude or avoid liability for incidental or consequential damages.

13.2 By using, or failing to access, the aforementioned website, www.bestqrcodecreator.art shall be liable for compensatory losses under these conditions up to US $1,000.

  1. Impertinence.

As a user, you agree to defend, indemnify, and release www.bestqrcodecreator.art and its related companies, as well as their officers, directors, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, costs, and expenses (including legal fees) resulting from your use of or inability to use the Site, your User Submissions, your interactions with other users of the Site, or your violation of these Terms.

  1. Time and Refund Policy.

The terms described above are in effect until they are terminated by www.bestqrcodecreator.art or the user. The website www.bestqrcodecreator.art retains the right to immediately and unilaterally terminate these terms and/or your access to all or any portion of the site, at any time and for any reason, including breaking these terms. In the event that www.bestqrcodecreator.art or any of its component portions are shut down, the website will not be liable to you or anyone else.

If you disagree with any of the terms stated here or any future revisions thereto, or if you are dissatisfied with the site in any other way, your sole option is to stop using it as soon as possible. It is anticipated that you will stop using the aforementioned website at the end of these terms. If these terms are terminated, nothing will change with regard to Sections 5 (Intellectual Property Rights), 7.3 (License to User Submissions), 11 (Privacy), 12 (Warranty Disclaimers), 13 (Limitation of Liability), 14 (Indemnity), and 16 (Independent Contractors) through 18 (General).

  1. Independent contractors.

The user and www.bestqrcodecreator.art are separate legal entities; nothing in the Terms below establishes a partnership, joint venture, agency relationship, or employment contract between them. It is not recommended for users to assume any obligations, liabilities, promises, or guarantees on behalf of the www.bestqrcodecreator.art website.

  1. The task.

These Terms and any related rights and permissions cannot be transferred or assigned by the user in any manner. However, be advised that www.bestqrcodecreator.art reserves the right, without restrictions or prior notice to the user, to assign or transfer these Terms, in whole or in part, to any third party.

  1. All areas.

Please be advised that the only authority to change or terminate the www.bestqrcodecreator.art website at any moment and without notice belongs to those in positions of power. Notwithstanding any other legal requirements, the user's and the business's contractual agreement shall be regulated by the laws of the state in where the business is located. The agreement between the user and the organization on the Site is contained in its entirety in the current Terms.

The remaining provisions of this agreement will remain enforceable even if a court of competent jurisdiction rules that any of the terms are unenforceable. The waiver of any section of these Terms does not imply waiver of the remaining portions. Furthermore, if a party fails to assert a right or provision as specified in these Terms, it shall not be deemed a waiver of any such right or provision. A lawsuit over this website will be permanently barred if it is not brought within a year of the cause of action arising.